Tuesday 29 November 2011

Research Process - PG01-11 (29 Nov 2011)

This week we reviewed the content from the submission of the Learning Plans.

Learning Plan - Clear in own learning

How to construct an easy to navigate document

WIRED - Do you read? - Steve Jobs - Sense of debate
Some of the articles say someone is wrong

Literature Review - dates is crucial, website visited date
capture when an idea was first identified
Look through a publication over 20 years


Shared thinking / Source thinking
How do people learn in School

Steven Johnson, writes in Wired Magazine
Good ideas coming out of collisions
Ideas happen by chance
Keep talking about power of collaboration

What happen now?

Learning Plan, beginning of research project, prototyping/conceptual models

Seamless transition / CARD / Things new are going to grow

Reflection on BA / Separate modules / emphasize specialisations

Long plan - MA Level - hybridity - combining disciplines
possible collaborations:
Special effects+Language = Film
Graphic Design/Communication+Language = Poster/Print
Broadcast Futures+Language=Programme
3D Film+Language=Film
Interior Design+Language=Furniture

Attach meaning from projects
*Adrian - naval space, architecture, why am I doing Broadcast Futures?
PG01 - Backbone
- links in with other PG modules

Initially first section has a mixture of certain people and uncertain people

Learning Plans - Different navigation methods

'Systematic' + 'Tenacious'

Richie's Learning Plan - Use of the words: 'It's not good enough'

Karl - Going to RCA
use of the word sublime, needs busy environments

MA - dedicated space

legal action - Facebook, Tutor remarked on partying

mini-debate - contextual studies > Facebook
Should not be invaded

Jeremy - writing endorsements - people - LinkedIn

Bill - has to finish projects

Facebook - accessible - students checking in

Things we could do - Sim city

Are we doing things together / or in our own spaces?

Katie - important to walk whilst thinking

Thinking within noise

'Mavericks' - Rave on Air - cannot have work on main screen, so in reaction they bring in their own

Innovation - different between having a style and noise

Hybrid nature of learning - sources

old fashioned forms of thinking:
Stefan Sagmeister
Neville Brody
Bruce Mau

Current sources
Classic sources

John Hartfield - Photomontages of the Nazi Period

Dada movement reacted against the 1st world war

anti-nazi movement opinion - Werkmann - Printing on letterpress
Hand to mouth spreading leaflets and posters.

Used the print furniture at the same surface

Memories of the past - 2 books to add on booklist

looking at obsession - Alfred Wainwright
mapping the countryside

Contemporary icons - Consists more of groups rather than individuals
'Aid Demographics' - Group who started protests
- changed the culture of America
'Action Machine' - Lesbian movements

These groups are hybrids, put themselves out as voices against broadcast powers

Hybrids - impracted on culture

Bibliographies - show where thinking is going

Keep evolving the literature reviews

'John Luc Goddard' - French new-wave (Swiss citizen)
can put people's thinking into boxes
Actually wealthy and not like the movement he sought to motivate.
Researcher goes into the life someone has hid
Period - ideas considered dangerous

Film maker - Albania. Switch off transmission - 2012
switching television, revolution
Also in 2012 - Sundance - 10 day festival at 02
Spend 30% day daydreaming, best time of the day
observation, questioning things

'Sherry Turkle'- 15/20 years of research 'Alone/Together'
for tech/not against tech/research with students at MIT
Questions but does not condemn
Did research into social networking
Have to think questions about whether technology is the driver/or people are the driver of changes.

Important of Testing
Action - Chinese government - testing satelites, military
Think about consequences / Test the idea / in Learning Plan
repeated testing
Who do you test idea on? / Target consumer
receiver. Attitudes from a particular group
Revisit Tent City - You people get a job
People who are dyslexic - walking fast / hearing conservative
What is a job?
What is a focus group? - selected with creative criteria?
Osmosis - meeting someone different
Kieran's learning plan - poetry/forests/tv/poetic way of thinking about relationship between Technology and Nature
Laura - what is the celebration of humanity? - the end of nature?
**Talk about the 'bibliography' as a living thing**
not seen as static, always evolving
Beware of being pompous, leighton cafe, listening to conversations.
places for good conversations
Caroline's Learning Plan - Examples
When we use the term 'Cinema' what are we talking about? - theatre/new and imagined spaces?
Example: Key questions I would like to ask?
Ask for opinion on learning plan?
different answers - questions
Technology can make people out of work
speakers, for cinema
Ethical/moral dimension - how does the question affect people?
People changing their ways of working? Key question about technology: Will it make us happier?
Anti-technology - Luddites movement

Look for extra edge of critical reflection
banana skins 'storytelling'
questions - what does that mean about me?
A natural history science project

Where are we going to with the learning plan?

Books - is there a forward plan? - next 4 weeks, and beyond.

Gap between aspirations and speed to capture enough information to answer the question

What are you going to produce - next year / second year

Production of the prototype of a concept


Getting a hand on the journey

Ability to listen to each other

MSc Applied Technologies - seminar at RCA
- relationship between 3D scanning and traditional printmaking - in Jan/April 2012

'Challenge debate'
Example where Rave students challenged norms and debate at the NFT

Find spaces, find out from agegroup

Fashion - check through learning plan - Brianna

'You make it what you want to make it'

Show my learning plan to others

Driving deep the roots of research

Example of the 'Cooler house' - safe area
Step outside of the comfort zone / Am I prepared to fail?

What is going on at Ravensbourne?

Apply 'Tenacity' in arranging interviews

Richie - Determined to arrange interviews
Karel - organising seminar
Adrian - revisited learning plan - desktop interface
hybrid nature

Do what I want !


Where from here?

New books and sources
New events and visits
New collaborations
New experimentations

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