Tuesday 1 November 2011

Research Process - PG01-07 (01 Nov 2011)


Methods - research

Thinking about thinking

Refining and focusing

Clarify to express to someone else


* Relook at Project Brief
* Calendar


- Debates / For & Against
(Reflecting critically)

- Advocate - put forward ideas
- Persuasion

- Sequence/Pitching
- early/before lunch/end of the day

- first impression - mind is made up early

which is most important - content/presentation?

Next week - Qualitive/Quantitive research

- Manifesto ideas



1.Form follows function, and that is the law


Form follows function, as in nature

Function cannot follow form,



Money is the root of all evil.

FOR (Statement is true)


It is better to travel than arrive.

FOR (enjoyment)
Travelling is better.
Viewpoint - told to value achievements.
Result should not always be about the destination.
Sense of achievement
Can control the path
Cannot control the outcomes
Emotional perspective - more valuable experiencing
Remember a birthday gift/buying or receiving? - not that significant.
Paperchase - everyone is trying to get certificates, getting to that point they enjoyed
Not just paying tuition fees to just get a certificate
No real arriving point
If the journey is more important then you may not have a goal, if you have a goal you will know where you are going.
Feeling from winning, is from the hard work put in.
Can look back at the past to move forward, reflection on meeting the goal.

AGAINST (4) (uncomfortability)

Arriving is more important that the journey
Arriving completes the journey
Travelling on the underground - stressful, expensive.
Myth - travelling - great experience
Travelling - can be an unpleasant experience
Travelling - polluting, lots of things
Can do without travelling - Telecommunication, teleportation
New journey - arrrinvg at the hotel
Need sense of definition, getting lost
Wasting time on the journey
Arrival of destination - causes good memories of travel
Goal can change whilst on the journey

1.Lies, Damned lies and statistics



Feedback -
I saw that I was going to present ideas in a language that was not in my own language.
Way to shift in agenda

From metaphors
Can be about imaginiing
Idea - cutting to the chase
Not enough reflection about time - from 1840s, from time of the railways
- notion what time someone can leave or arrive.
Contemporary idea of time. - pressure,speed
Do we like goal driven people?  Mike, entrepeneur - think fast
Mountain road - turning corners fast.
Act slow, think fast
Lawyers make sharp manouevres in debate
Sharp agility
Test ideas, test how you communicate.

Form follows function debate
- affects appreciation for decoration.
- issue with function - accompanied ethics and efficiency
- conscience that goes wrong
- corset - conscience driving against the functionality
- notion of ethics behind function
- can be efficient
- ethics, are there any ethical arguments within investigation.
communication - manipulation
design - causing problems
money - is it making it better
stereoscopy - is it doing harm to us?
how long does it take to measure significant effects on a generation
killer heels - does matter
George Soros - foundation - philanthropy
Andrew Carnegie
Where did the money come from?
Biting the hand that feeds us
Money - different cultures have different ways of expressing wealth
British obsession with lack of comfort
Denmark - windows cold, dampness - class
Value systems - back with Ethics - cannot escape them.
'Common sense'
Railed against absolute statements
Using wit in challenging, slight smile, responses - negotiation.
Visual presentation
Formal mode/informal mode
Communicating something to people - always stand up
Defined walls - France, Denmark
Thank you - you have been making my point for me. - researching on the hoof
When things are going badly - diversion, person protesting not always allowed to repeat themselves.
Anyone seen a sharply timed debate  - see one, see channel 4.
See people's minds being changed quickly
Parliament channel - oppositional (coalitions are difficult) / arc - with europe.
- structure of thinking.


1.Clarity about manifesto
People wanting for force change. Put forward a big idea.
Sometimes a list of things that follow a manifesto. - results.
Economy of statement
Contemporary movement - manifestos colour.
Technique - gorilla outfits
*Political manifestos - Germany, Italy, USA.
*Futurist manifestos -
People who use masks
Visual image could be a key part.
Things can only get better.
- Manifesto linked to Debate/Project - maybe.
- Debate helps to formulate a lead question.

Brian Johnson - space to have free thinking.
Time to have space to study.
exhibited in printed form, can this be projected on the large wall.
PG students should share information with Ug students

2.Learning plan (progression being made) - Must be a PDF
Quality, diversity of innovation demonstrated in the concept
Continuation of thinking
Links must be working
Need to be able to justify this to the assessors
Journey - includes a number of different elements - map of different bits.

Attempt to analyse, overview
Think about directions one is going into.
Giving meaning to the journey.
Show why certain things are important.

Learning Journal (Progress)
Literature review - editorial priorities - 2 or 3 lines about the reason that a text is important to the area of study. Evaluating which are of use - can take form of essay, or document, or annotated bibliography. Not just a book list.
Mind maps
Formative assessment
About analysis and evaluation, adding meaaning

Word limit attached.
Say the key things within the learning plan - be selective.
Add in:
Formative Assessments

Add in:

Add in:
Manifestos  - much of what has been claimed today.

3.Learning Log (not assessed) / Confluence / Moodle
Scrapbook, capture device - way of collecting material
Can be a PDF, pointers to other places.

4.Individual Researched text (Arrival at a model for research strategy)
Point of stability, allows for re-iterations
Major project.
Thinking should still impact on the business unit.

Research process follows through all three semesters.
Huge diversity of business models.

From 'work' to 'play'


01 Nov
08 Nov
15 Nov - submit




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