Wednesday 9 November 2011

Research Process - PG01-08 (08 Nov 2011)


Quantitive Analysis - data (T)
using selected methods

Qualitive Analysis - conversations  (L)
using different methods, still need to analyse the results.





talk by Liz on:

BA Moodle pages

Dissertation Preparation page


Look at:
The Twilight Zone


Alot of things changed wi

Moodle: Firefox, hates IE, buggy in Safari


*** Search for Jeremy's World of Film

People should be more literate about Film


Masters at Ravensbourne 2011


Enrol as Guest


Issues of Class - unhelpful in 21C


1-2pm - Final exam board


Example: St Pauls Tent City

Agent provacateur

incorrect motion - megaphone

Manifesto - can be lots of text/ or paper

think of viral ways - for people to continue a revolution.


Looking at numbers:

1% - wealthy
99% - clobbered by 1%

Analogue way of looking at numbers:

meaning - 10
defines civilisation
could be unit, course
defined by numbers

allowed to proceed in terms of

students - filtered and selected

meaning - 100

meaning - 1000
can you visualise?
what does that buy you?
how much am I worth?

look at daily rate?

tuition fee

bit of a house in London
house in the country

1000,000 (million)
big party
how much do any of us need to earn to live on this planet?
who needs more than 1 million pounds? is it useful for the 21C

1000,0000 (billion)
how much countries are in debt? (not exactly known)
billionaires (new millionaires)

what does that number relate to?

top ten most powerful people on planet
- barack obama
- putin
- hu jintao
- angela merkel
- gates
- abdullah
-ben bernanke
- pope benedict
- zuckerburg (worth 75 billion dollars, given money to schools)
- cameron


Think about what the statistic are saying.
Book: What the tiger isnt (Seeing through the world of numbers)
Think what numbers are in relation to criteria.

How many people in the US are over 100 yrs old?
1st survey - 10000
2nd survey - 5000

Lies, not always telling the truth.

Hidden motives behind representing statistics.

Statistics - need to be very precise when using statistics.

Problem with the group - thinking is similar, in same spaces.
Cluster - what is relevant to our area of research.

Involve analysis


Book: Steve Jobs - what do we think about value?
look at quality of idea, rather than physical book
useful as a wedge, underneath a screen
Steve's life is described by someone else.
or autobiography? executive summary.

Book: Margaret Tate
smaller book
more interesting? less obvious. look at people who may not be considered to be so important. look into the unknown is more challenging.
many of us are like Tate rather than Jobs...more useful.

In the digital world, we are losing information about the past.

People could not identify why a decision was made a year ago, sony broadcasting.
not stored.

Book: Michael Lewis - Boomerang - Meltdown
Knows alot about bond trading.
Went to Iceland, Germany, UK, time of economic crisis.
Many intelligent people of done bizarre things.
People who bet against the failure of national economies. (ethics)
Things we know/Things we do not know. - does it matter?
(Donald Rumsfeld quote)


11.55 meetup


Going into other spaces - which you couldnt anticipate until you are there.

Big believer in primary research - talking to someone face to face.
See them working in their space. Environment they prefer to be in.
Journey to visit them can be an interesting experience.

Liz - seeing different women designers.
Woman - Set designer - natasha grohl
Telling a story
Telling with metaphor, storytelling
Need to do research before interview
Navigate places and filmmakers
Importance of interviewing at a certain time and place
Usefulness of insight into the person
Let dog be, not interupt
Skype is not the same, lack of depth
Culture, not really on their side unless you partake in their activities
Always accept what you are offered - what they consider to be hospitality
Build a relationship
Observe body language
Wrote out a brain dump afterwards - observations, girl, guy, speech.
Some interviews dont always go to plan/spontaneity
Take everything in, observe body language.
Huge amount of input - see what they are doing.
Good interview - octane performance
Recognise value of time, be self disciplined
Send material before you arrive, pre-sent questions.
Find questions that are not asked online, know their biographical data
You've done your homework
Information collection - point of vulnerability
Danny Boyle
Zaha Hadid, couldnt get a word in, nervous.
Take a dictophone?
Look at the loo, to listen to other conversations.
Peoples workplace is an important part of them.
Presented way/background conversation
Legal profession - study minutely
Is research a line of attack?
Cannot just float into situations
About intimacy - do not like indirect contact
Should be rehearsed
What is thing most likely to be wrong - name
They have given you their time
Follow up afterwards
Might be the start of a longer term relationship.


Suggested people that I could interview?
- fields, questions, location...


Research Process

Look at Quantitive Research

14.05 return...


When they should be uploading the learning plan?

Quantitve and Qualitative research are two sides of the same coin
- weighing the pros and cons.

Look at the issue of questionairres
Look at two points of view

1.Information collection (questions) – point of vulnerability, take care.

Statistical view

Can bias the questions to get a certain answer.
Can spend time on how

Give a distinct view – on who is the audience? - to gather information from.

Facebook personal page – does not represent the general public/not representative of society

Size of the survey ...
what is a useful number for the survey?

Rate of response – 300 people, 30 per cent response.

50 people – nearer to a focus group

Looking at where people shop/postcode

Discussion on London, people in London go to doctor less.
Proposition people in London may fear losing their work, if they go to the doctor.

Go to a school, with help of teacher, to collect filled in forms from children.

Collect statistical data, use a variety of methods to decode and present.
Can place it in a chart. - have to make it more digestable.

Pie chart
bar chart

Open question/Closed question

A.Run a number of survey within subject group
B.Carry out the same survey in area outside group

Work counter intuitively – what is the minority opinion?

What causes people discomfort about filling in a survey?

More general that selection criteria is – statistical formula –
Group A
Group B
Group C

National readership survey
Nature of work is changing, affecting categories.
Towards trends, away from class,  towards tribalism

Film: Wages of Fear
Scenario-storytelling – performers

How do I make sense of the desires of the majority?

How do I care about my own opinion?

History of theatrical cinema

The revolution will not be branded...

(uploading the learning plan – look at idea of road they want to people are envisaging the research methods, include surveys and interviews)
Jamie – idea of taking something of ripping up the rules
- where could that be seen? Iterative process.

Where do things come from ?
'Moodle' – term comes from...
Who created this item?
Who is this item for?

Careful – 'old' and 'new'

Survey – audiences across countries

Number of alternatives – within the learning plan
Your evaluation.

Percentage of quantitive versus qualitive

Quantitive research methods: (ways to measure)
Surveys & Questionaires – large numbers - selection
Developing mathematical models

Qualitative research methods:
Asks broad questions
Focus group

Triangulation – see three different points of view



4 Great novels

Tang Shi

Yuan2 Qu3  dynasty


Learning plan ideas:
Framing the context
Full image on one page.
Full chinese text on one page – showing the difference in understanding.
Map of research - themes

Scale of view – large to small

Is it really meaningful?

Less words are better for the plan.

Supplementary material – link to something that already exists elsewhere.

Broadening out - parachute
Narrowing in

Research is like milking a goat – get it wrong you get kicked.

Best interviews – negotiation

Significance - asteroid


Coroflot – design in China


Next tuesday – international lunch day


Percentage of people learning at different ages

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