Sunday 28 October 2012

Transmedia Fest - What is Transmedia Debate? (26 October 2012)

Transmedia - Mixed Media/Multi-Media
Represents a process when elements...
Transmedia narrative - 3 or more narrative storylines across different platforms
Controls shift from producers to consumers

Simon Nelson, BBC - what is Transmedia?

Pyramid of Needs - Content production
\ - creation (narrowest zenith)
  \ - participation
    \ - extension
      \ - enhancement
        \ - discovery
          \ - access - (widest base)

BBC Record - came with video, desc, images,etc

Transmedia Storytelling - multiplatform - ie.Sons of Life
Eg.Eastenders spinoff (E20)

Partnership between TV+Games - ie.Doctor Who Game
Content assets - Natural History

Transmedia opportunity - London 2012 - Social Media spoof (Twenty Twelve)

Anna - researcher of identity/Second Life - who are the users?

How others see me? - through different media (bio)
How do I see me? - through different media (autobio)

Crossing between media should enhance and jar the experience

People / Platforms / Production

Mark Childs - Transmedia Narratives
- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Adaptations
- cassette > vinyl > theatre > book > audio book > film > spinoff, etc.

Some narrative converted/adapted into different media - multiplicity
- Adaptions
- Reformality
- Sequels
- Spin-offs

- Adaptions exploit multi-modality

HHG - not Transmedia Narrative

Star Trek (1966)
Type 1 - Continous Narrative
Type 2 - Elaborations (Extensions)

Star Wars (1977)
- media reformats

Stories are transmitted as
Memory Alpha - 'Canon' - original story
Memory Beta - transformations

Paul Brennan - Something else
- like stories
The Batman Yo-Yo
IBC - Game Designers
- play tape- then go onto a website - to fill in clues
Beware of 'Rabbit Snares'
The Technology Trap

Atom of a story is a 'Bit'

The consumer at the centre

Story - Channel/Media - Person
Essence - Timbre - Legacy

Transmedia- is not a new term, the 'thing' exists - however the word is used for purposes of commercialisation by companies.

Multiplicity of bandwidth

Imapct of Web 2.0 on Culture

Digital Media for layering and enhancement

Cohort shift - demand more of media, big budget

How do we tell stories to people? - through media?

Identity - Personal
Credentials / Self

'Avatar' - Tweeting as the 'mars rover' - person tweeting but hiding their real identity and instead reinventing their messages with the identity of the actual mars rover.

Sci - Gangnam style - internet meme

'Cultural glue'

Be careful not to overhype the short term, and under estimate the long term effects of On Demand revolution.


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