Transmedia - Mixed Media/Multi-Media
Represents a process when elements...
Transmedia narrative - 3 or more narrative storylines across different platforms
Controls shift from producers to consumers
Simon Nelson, BBC - what is Transmedia?
Pyramid of Needs - Content production
\ - creation (narrowest zenith)
\ - participation
\ - extension
\ - enhancement
\ - discovery
\ - access - (widest base)
BBC Record - came with video, desc, images,etc
Transmedia Storytelling - multiplatform - ie.Sons of Life
Eg.Eastenders spinoff (E20)
Partnership between TV+Games - ie.Doctor Who Game
Content assets - Natural History
Transmedia opportunity - London 2012 - Social Media spoof (Twenty Twelve)
Anna - researcher of identity/Second Life - who are the users?
How others see me? - through different media (bio)
How do I see me? - through different media (autobio)
Crossing between media should enhance and jar the experience
People / Platforms / Production
Mark Childs - Transmedia Narratives
- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Adaptations
- cassette > vinyl > theatre > book > audio book > film > spinoff, etc.
Some narrative converted/adapted into different media - multiplicity
- Adaptions
- Reformality
- Sequels
- Spin-offs
- Adaptions exploit multi-modality
HHG - not Transmedia Narrative
Star Trek (1966)
Type 1 - Continous Narrative
Type 2 - Elaborations (Extensions)
Star Wars (1977)
- media reformats
Stories are transmitted as
Memory Alpha - 'Canon' - original story
Memory Beta - transformations
Paul Brennan - Something else
- like stories
The Batman Yo-Yo
IBC - Game Designers
- play tape- then go onto a website - to fill in clues
Beware of 'Rabbit Snares'
The Technology Trap
Atom of a story is a 'Bit'
The consumer at the centre
Story - Channel/Media - Person
Essence - Timbre - Legacy
Transmedia- is not a new term, the 'thing' exists - however the word is used for purposes of commercialisation by companies.
Multiplicity of bandwidth
Imapct of Web 2.0 on Culture
Digital Media for layering and enhancement
Cohort shift - demand more of media, big budget
How do we tell stories to people? - through media?
Identity - Personal
Credentials / Self
'Avatar' - Tweeting as the 'mars rover' - person tweeting but hiding their real identity and instead reinventing their messages with the identity of the actual mars rover.
Sci - Gangnam style - internet meme
'Cultural glue'
Be careful not to overhype the short term, and under estimate the long term effects of On Demand revolution.
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Friday, 5 October 2012
Technology Issues PG02-03 - Game Ideas (03 Oct 2012)
Game Ideas
50 word description:
Lampey - a unicycle lamp, by chance has been instantly assembed within a futuristic skyscraper bike factory. Lampey has to escape by jumping his way out through the use of bouncy tyres and incredible lamp powers. The factory machines see him as a defect and want to stop him before he escapes.
Sketch 1
Sketch 2
Sketch 3
Sketch 4
50 word description:
Lampey - a unicycle lamp, by chance has been instantly assembed within a futuristic skyscraper bike factory. Lampey has to escape by jumping his way out through the use of bouncy tyres and incredible lamp powers. The factory machines see him as a defect and want to stop him before he escapes.
Sketch 1
Sketch 2
Sketch 3
Sketch 4

Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Technology Issues - PG02-03 (Cycle 1) Game Ethics/Philosophy (03 October 2012)
Do Games need Value?
As long as the game is fun, nothing else matters...
Ethics - often mistaken for Morals
p: antepast18volscian
Make case to an ethical committee
Research had an ethical angle after the 2nd WW
Ethics -
not so materialistic
Morals -
Example of Social Values -
- Hackers
- Could be materialistic
Game - Spore
Does Ethics apply to games?
Ethical consideration with Multiplayer games?
Ethical issues with treatment of other players
As a Developer you have a responsibility
What is it that people overstep?
Does it affect the players morals? Virtual morals could be affected?
Do the moral choices encourage you to play again?
Henry Jenkins -
He looks at Good and Evil
- choice and consequences
Henry - looks at the choice of consequence
- the game should reflect the choice
- the games are constructed to define characters between Good and Evil
- can you feel guilty
- doesnt feel that it is a moral choice/multiple ending choice.
- just because someone does something evil, it is not evil
Have you played Against All Odds? - 1994
Where do we get Ethics from?
Own experience
Where are the boundaries?
Five cornerstones to Ethical behaviour
1. What are the consequences of the decision?
2. How can the option be implemented?
3. Decide which option is the most ethical
4. Consider your options
5. Think through the ethical dilemma and identify all components as objectively as possible
What does it create?
A working environment
Establishes a trust
Ethical behaviour creates public outrage
- The Principle of Psychiatric Confidentiality
Make a decision:
Remain silent
- consequence - they could kill the woman
- how can option be implemented? - not tell
- most ethical to respect the patient as they are paying, and confidentiality
- if not told, then the person is responsible for their decision
- however I would also recommend that they tell a social worker of their intent
morally closest answer - save daughter, inlaws might lose child
ethically closest answer
no right and wrong
Is the game work immune to ethical considerations?
- treatment of other players
- should your game affect the player's morales?
- if you integrated the morale choice, would it improve the game? - only if it is relevant
- do you think it is important to have in a game
- is the morale choice important? - depiction of real events
- Shooting Aliens
- Shooting people based on a historical conflict
Carmageddon - Is it a social value or moral value? - simulated violence
2st call - deadline for submission by 5pm today
2nd call
Philosophy - do we need to philosophize game cultures?
Monty Pthon Sketches
Arguement Clinic
Parrot Sketch
Can games
An eye for eye only ends up making the world blind
A computer will be considered intelligent if it can deceive a human into thinking that it is real
Make Love, Not Warcraft
South Park
High debates going on in Low culture
Ask questions that no one else would ask.
Should the game have morals..
Nintendo's philosophy is never to go the easy path; it's always to challenge ourselves and try to do something new.
Shigeru Miyamoto
"Freedom from fear" could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights.
Dag Hammarskjold
Philosophy can create more value, more immersion.
Philosophy can add a new dimension to games, as ethical genres
What would the responsibility be? Can Star Trek can teach us about Time Travel?
Should the game play have a philosophical element? At the core or surrounding idea.
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey - Looks at consequences of time travel
Identification of the Goal, implicate nature of philosophical.
*Watch Memento film - Time travel dealing with consequences, loss of memory, memory with photos. Can't survive without the photos. Tattoos as reminders.
Living life backwards, chopped scripts.
How do Games work as aesthetics and culture?
How do we understand philosophical game design?
*Play Heavy Rain - ethical decision making
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